I hope I will die before the result of PMR 2012 #Why I hoping like that?
Because my Little sis make me CRAZY!! Similary with my sibling, Pffttt -.- I think I'm will crazy soon. Hm, next year I will take the important examination. It is Penilaian Menengah Rendah for 2012, and I hope I will success. By the way, do you look my Title Post for this day? Yess, CAN I THROW MY HANDPHONE? Why I ask like that?
Because I hate the Phone, and I hoping nobody cannot contact me again and my Little sis did not playing with my Phone. I'm very hate thatt!!! Hm, but I fell sorry with my boyfriend because he must missing me every second. #Apa yang aku merapu ni hah? --'
Okay-okay, nisa dah malas nak speaking. Sakit otak nak memikirkannya, well nisa ni lemah ENGLISH tu yang sakit otak if nak translatekan balik -.-' #I know your English is Perfect than me, Right?
Hm, Okay Byee.
Muna takut nak PMR tahun depan T_T
samalah :(
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